Insights – Tourism & Hospitality Sector Hardship Grant
Tourism and hospitality has been hardest hit by border closures, lockdowns and other travel restrictions and many businesses continue to face significant hardship.
The Tourism and Hospitality Sector Hardship Grant aims to provide relief and help maintain employment and can be used to pay businesses expenses including direct salary costs.
For businesses with annual payroll of less than $1.3 million total funding of $30,000 is available. Larger tourism business can access up to $100,000.
To be eligible
- Be operating in Queensland in a tourism or hospitality business. There are specific categories of businesses that can apply and your primary activity must be listed in the eligible ANZSIC codes which are listed in the link below:
- Have been trading under the same ABN from 30 June 2021.
- Have annual turnover above $75,000
- Employ at least one person in the Qld operations (not including the business owners)
- Have experienced decline of turnover of 70% over a 7 day period (between 1 July and 30 September 2021) when compared to same period in 2019, 2020 or 2021 financial years. Where these periods are not representative of typical week, an alternative period can be used.
- Have experienced significant impact due to COVID-19 travel restrictions and state lockdown.
Applications are open via QRIDA portal and will close 6pm Monday 22 November 2021
All applicants who meet eligibility requirements will receive a grant which will be paid in 2 equal instalments.
To receive the second payment, approved applicants must provide further evidence that at 8 November they are still employing, remain solvent and are still trading in Qld and they will also need to complete a survey within six months of approval.
Businesses who receive this may still be eligible for other Qld Covid Grants.
Alto can assist by explaining eligibility or providing supporting evidence for your grant application.
For full details visit: Tourism and Hospitality Sector Hardship Grants (

Author: Donna Bruce